
AV Performance

Duration: 50 min.

Thursday, 20 September 2018 | 22:00 > 22:45 | Sala 9

The performance is the third part of an audiovisual triptychon.

As the 2016 and 2017 developed pieces mora and simas, Amnis is settled in the concept of dromology (Virilio) and more specifically referring to the "field effect", which is created by real time perspectives of telecommunications.

The consequence of this effect is the destruction of time-continuum.

Teleaction takes over as the perceptual presence of the digital world.

Time is either condensed into the zone of the present much like a type of black hole that refuses to allow the future or the past and also time-related events are stretched to a state of simulated infinity.

Digital transformations on time-extracted media artifacts form a telepresence.

Image matches sound through synchronization and dramaturgy, while exploring algorithmic, glitched and oganic patterns, percepts and visions, the performance is creating a storyline within possibilities.

The aim is to provide an audiovisual environment in which sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition are forming a perceptual entity.
